Chemnitz Theatre Square. A three-part ensemble of buildings on a large square. In the centre is a neo-renaissance opera house behind which a colourful firework display can be seen. The firework as a symbol of joint forces of the European Universities contributing to the European Universities Week.

The European Universities Week

Fostering European Higher Education. Since 2022 Across engages in the activities during the “European University Week” promoting activities of European University Alliances.


Across actively engages in the European Universities Week initiated by the German Academic Exchange Service, fostering discussions on the role of European universities in enhancing the European Higher Education Area and societal contributions.

European Universities Week

The “European Universities Week,” initiated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in celebration of Europe Day on May 9th, invites alliances with German participation to delve into the role of European universities in enhancing the European Higher Education Area and their broader societal contributions. Since 2022, Across has been actively engaged in this initiative through a range of initiatives.

Across Activities 

2023, the University of Ruse (Bulgaria), co-organised by the University of Craiova (Romania), hosted an impressive stakeholder event. After an opening speech by Oliver Baudelet (DG Regio), university representatives from the 10 Across partner universities met with representatives of chambers of commerce, educators (primary schools), companies and NGOs  to discuss current collaborations as well as future initiatives. During the two-day event, current shortcomings and needs were identified, which will be incorporated into the Across Alliance Task Plan.

In 2022, Across invited researchers and university members from all Across universities to reflect on the benefits of the European University Initiative.

Furthermore, other Alliance events encompass rectors’ discussions, symposia, and collaborative endeavors with municipalities and cities. For more details about the European Universities Week, please visit the DAAD website (available in German only).


Europe Day is celebrated every year on May 9th for peace and unity in Europe. It marks the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration (May 1950), in which the French foreign minister Robert Schuman presented his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe that would make war between the nations of Europe unthinkable.

Robert Schuman’s proposal is considered to be the birth of what we now call the European Union.