Across Course Catalogue

Across universities offer a wide range of programmes, courses and training opportunities.


Thanks to the Across Course Catalogue, our students can easily find information about courses and programmes offered by our partner universities.

Mastering a new language, fostering cross-cultural understanding, and cultivating lasting international friendships are just some of the profound rewards that await those who take the plunge into global education.

At Across, we recognise the immense value of international learning, not only in enhancing career prospects, but also in fostering a deep respect and appreciation for the diverse tapestry of humanity. Our universities are beacons of opportunity, offering a comprehensive range of programmes, courses and dedicated support tailored to the needs of both international students wishing to study with us and those wishing to explore educational opportunities abroad.

Our Across Offers


University of Banja Luka



Bialystok University of Technology



Chemnitz University of Technology



University of Craiova

  • Programmes offered at UCv Românesc
  • Information for international degree seeking students at UCv English



University of Girona



University of Nova Gorica



University of Perpignan via Domitia

  • Overview of all Degree Programs offered at UPVD Français
  • Information for exchange students wanting to visit UPVD Français
  • Information for UPVD students wishing to go on an exchange programe Français



University of Udine



University of Ruse