As Europe Day approaches on 9 May 2022, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has proclaimed the Week of European Universities. In this context Across invited four international researchers from member universities to a panel discussion in the run-up to the event. Chemnitz University of Technology has joined forces with nine international universities as a part of the Across Alliance to develop a unique education and transfer space in the cross-border region. Accordingly, the interdisciplinary panel discussed challenges that arise in this context. In addition, the panel identified fields of action for a European University. A continuous policy dialogue between universities and politicians in the regional context was identified as an important approach. In this way, the requirements of politics in the cross-border context can be taken into account and border regions can be effectively and sustainably shaped through the activities of European Universities.
International Panel
- Sanita Martena is professor for applied linguistics at the Rezekne Acadamey of Technology (Latvia) with focus on language and education policy, multilingualism in the Baltic States, linguistic landscapes, Latgalic language, and folk linguistics.
- Gian Luca Gardini is professor at the department of international law at the University of Udine (Italy) and is furthermore experienced in EU policy and consultancy.
- Romi Pena is professor at the University of Lleida (Spain) and an expert in life sciences and genetics. Pena also serves as deputy head of international relations at the faculty of agriculture, forestry, natural sciences and engineering.
- Svilen Kunev rounded out the panel as professor of business administration and entrepreneurship at the University of Ruse (Bulgaria).
- Presenter. Sorin Cazacu, professor of cultural studies at the University of Craiova (Romania)