Experience the 10th Living Knowledge Conference: a dynamic platform where scholars, practitioners, and activists converge to explore innovative approaches to knowledge co-creation and community engagement.
Dive into a diverse array of sessions, workshops, and keynote presentations, covering topics ranging from citizen science to participatory research methodologies. Engage with thought leaders and change makers from across the globe, and be part of shaping the future of collaborative knowledge production and social transformation.
Living Knowledge Conference 2024
Over the years, a myriad of approaches have been developed to do collaborative research with and for communities. Different names, different (ideological) histories, and (sometimes slightly) different objectives may obscure what we all have in common: an urge to co-create and share new knowledge for an inclusive, equitable, healthy and sustainable society. Therefore, we hope to see you and talk about your science shops, research shops, living labs, citizen science, public engagement, participatory action research, investigative journalism, community-based research, community service learning, user driven innovation and …. (put your work’s name tag here).
Follow the link to explore the full conference program and secure your spot today!