With an ESF+ grant of €616,000 over a two-year period from April 2024 to March 2026, the project aims to equip students, further education participants and pupils with certified, labour market-relevant skills.
Fostering University-Business Cooperation
The core aim of the TUCacademy project is to bridge the gap between academia and industry by developing micro-credentials that address the specific needs of regional businesses. As a result, students and trainees will gain practical, industry-relevant skills alongside their academic education, significantly enhancing their employability and career prospects. By equipping students and staff with highly industry-relevant skills, it not only enriches their educational experience, but also positions them as formidable contenders in the competitive labour market landscape.
Co-Creation of Learning Offers
What makes this project unique is its emphasis on the co-creation of learning offers between universities and businesses. Through joint development of micro-credentials, the project promotes cultural understanding and encourages meaningful interactions between participants and company employees. More than 210 learners are expected to participate in the microcredential formats developed over the course of the project, enabling a dynamic exchange of knowledge and skills.
Advancing Learning Pathways with Micro-Credentials
In collaboration with partner universities, Across strongly advocates microcredentials to increase the flexibility and need-orientation of learning pathways. A comprehensive survey conducted by the Alliance underlined the urgent need for students to work on practical and industry-relevant challenges alongside their academic studies. The TUCacademy project represents a pilot project on microcredentials aligning the need for flexible learning pathways with the needs of the modern labour market. After successful piloting in the cross-border region of Saxony, the project outputs will be extended to the other Across regions.
Defining Micro-Credentials
Micro-credentials are succinct learning modules that address specific learning needs and are designed to equip learners with targeted knowledge and competencies. Aligned with European standards, these credentials are owned by the learner, shareable, and portable, offering tangible value in the evolving job market landscape.
Opening Doors to a Wider Learning Community
By introducing micro-credentials, our alliance aims to broaden access to tailored learning opportunities. This initiative marks a significant step towards enhancing inclusivity and adapting educational offerings to meet diverse learner needs.